Lymphedema is a disease that occurs when the lymphatic vessels do not drain lymphatic fluid properly. It usually affects one or both arms and/or legs.
Resilient Cancer Survivor is a website to inspire, inform, and raise the voice of my own experience of cancer.
My goal is to inspire or help someone with my story, creating hope through this difficult time, sending positive messages because this journey is not easy but always trying to give the "RESILIENCE SPIRIT".
Resilient Cancer Survivor es un sitio web para inspirar, informar y dar voz a mi propia experiencia con el cáncer. Mi objetivo es inspirar o ayudar a alguien con mi historia, creando esperanza en este momento difícil, enviando mensajes positivos porque este camino no es fácil, pero siempre tratando de transmitir el "ESPÍRITU DE RESILIENCIA".
The blog is for positive talk, advice on how to control anxiety, how to direct your depression correctly, and asking for professional help and exercises for breathing.
El blog es para hablar de forma positiva, dar consejos sobre cómo controlar la ansiedad, cómo dirigir correctamente la depresión y pedir ayuda profesional y ejercicios de respiración.
I am sharing my own story of my cancer story, and treatment and I wish to give hope and inspiration on this difficult time.
Quiero compartir mi propia historia sobre mi cáncer y mi tratamiento, deseo brindar esperanza e inspiración en este momento difícil.
While I was on my cancer treatment, Mayo Clinic Hospital gave me amazing recipes, tips for good snacks, and advice on which foods are good for you and which ones to avoid at all costs.
Mientras estaba en mi tratamiento contra el cáncer, el Hospital Mayo Clinic me dio recetas increíbles, consejos para buenos snacks y consejos sobre qué alimentos son buenos para ti y cuales debes de evitar a toda costa.
If you want to make a donation and change someone's life, you can visit this link and I will give you suggestions on where and what you can donate to help more people who are undergoing or starting cancer treatment.
Si quieres hacer una donación y cambiar la vida de alguien, puedes visitar este enlace y te daré sugerencias de dónde y qué puedes donar para ayudar a más personas que están en tratamiento o iniciando un tratamiento contra el cáncer.
My name is Karen Celene.
I am the creator of the RESILIENCE CANCER SURVIVOR brand.
I am a Breast Cancer Survivor, I was diagnosed in March 2023.
After so long cancer journey, I realized that cancer took so much from me, I want to do something positive for myself but also share with others my story, knowledge, and advice for these hard moments.
I have to admit it was not easy to share my photo but my best friend told me that "everyone can post pictures of themselves on happy moments, but it has to take courage of the ones who post it on the bad ones and share with the world that they are not alone".
Mi nombre es Karen Celene.
Soy la creadora de la marca RESILIENCE CANCER SURVIVOR.
Soy una sobreviviente de cáncer de mama, me diagnosticaron en marzo del 2023.
Después de un largo proceso de lucha contra el cáncer, me di cuenta de que el cáncer me había quitado mucho. Quiero hacer algo positivo por mí, pero también compartir con los demás mi historia, mis conocimientos y mis consejos para estos momentos difíciles.
Tengo que admitir que no fue fácil compartir mi foto, pero mi mejor amiga me dijo que "todos pueden publicar fotos de sí mismos en momentos felices, pero quienes las publican en los momentos malos deben tener valor y compartir con el mundo que no están solos"
The name of the brand is RESILIENCE CANCER SURVIVOR.
The logo has a person's face instead of hair, there is a big butterfly, representing HOPE, and another one on their nose, keeping their head up for the good things when you are facing bad situations, away to represent RESILIENCE.
WHY BUTTERFLYS? They are the symbol of transformation and change par excellence. Their life cycle makes them the good and the beautiful: butterflies have a strong spiritual meaning that always leads us to the positive.
El nombre de la marca es RESILIENCE CANCER SURVIVOR.
El logo tiene la cara de una persona en lugar de cabello, hay una gran mariposa, que representa la ESPERANZA, y otra en su nariz, que le mantiene la cabeza en alto para ver las cosas buenas cuando se enfrenta a situaciones malas, para representar la RESILIENCIA.
¿POR QUÉ MARIPOSAS? Son el símbolo de la transformación y el cambio por excelencia. Su ciclo de vida las convierte en lo bueno y lo bello: las mariposas tienen un fuerte significado espiritual que siempre nos lleva a lo positivo.
Lymphedema is a disease that occurs when the lymphatic vessels do not drain lymphatic fluid properly. It usually affects one or both arms and/or legs.
When I had no hair, I was recommended to speed up the new growth and strengthen it. I was told that sometimes, with so many chemicals, the new hair is still damaged or weak.
A few days ago I saw a video with a very powerful message that made me think a lot about how my body recovered quickly, which made a lot of sense to me.
I am going to share with you a plan that my psychologist told me during one of my sessions “Create your support plan” It is about selecting the people who support you the most and you will know for sure, when you feel extremely sad and feel like your world is falling apart with a lot of depression because of everything you are experiencing, THE BEST THING IS TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, and adding your emotional support.
I don't know what you believe or what religion you practice, but have you ever wondered why cancer happen to you?
It's very difficult to feel beautiful when you don't have hair. I used to think that hair isn't everything in life, but after losing it and not having it, you start to value it more, after not having any, I saw myself like another person, I saw pictures of me in the past and I felt that Karen was gone, I realized how much confidence the hair give it to you after styling it, I started my worst depression after shaving my hair, I did not feel beautiful, I was always using a wig, feeling shame of my baldness, but everything changed after watching a Marvel movie, the Black Panther II. When I saw the female warriors with their BEAUTIFUL Tattoos on their heads and they were as bald as me, fighting and being proud, I FELT SO INSPIRE, and the only thing I could not stop thinking about was getting a tattoo like that, I thought it will be the best having a henna tattoo.
Unfortunately, it's almost impossible not to feel depressed on this pad of cancer, ONE of the TOOLS that helped me with this process was listening to GOOD MUSIC WITH POSITIVE MESSAGE.
When you get the bad news of cancer hits your life, it's hard to go back to your "normal" routine because after that huge news, it's never always the same, but REMEMBER everything is a process, take a day at a time, that helped me at the beginning I STOP THINKING OF THE FUTURE, I FOCUS ON TODAY!For example, I am focusing on what I have to do today like communicating with my loved ones, and taking time not to think about Cancer all day, that's the worst you can do for yourself.
Cancer SUCKS and it will always be hard, no matter how much time you have been going through or how much you fight it is always HARD! So GIVE YOURSELF time and GRACE to process this shocker news, because never it's easy to receive this type of news.
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